Published Paper

Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge of School Going Children Regarding Dengue Fever in a Selected Government School, Ankoli, Berhampur, Ganjam, Odisha

Sasmita Nayak 1*, Mrs. Bijayalakshmi Dash 2, Mrs. Kamala Dei 3

Page: 519-527
Published on: 2021 May


Dengue is a very significant world public health problem which has largely been ignored in the developed world.Objectives : To find out the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on knowledge of school going children regarding dengue fever and find the association between posttest knowledge scores with their selected demographical variable. Methods: Data were collected from fifty school going children selected through simple random sampling technique, by using self-structured questionnaire from 17.4.2017 to 2.5.2017. Results: Highest percentages (50%) of the school children were in 11-12 years of age group. 56% of them were female. 62% of them were studying in sixth class. The overall pre-test mean knowledge score was 10.02±4.04 which was 29.47% of the total score whereas in post-test it was 25.24 ± 5.00 which was 74.23% and effectiveness was 44.76%. Further highly significant (p<0.05) difference was found between pre and post-test knowledge score whereas no significant (p<0.05) association was found between post-test knowledge score and all the selected demographic variable of the school going children revealing effectiveness of planned teaching programme.Conclusion: Findings of the study revealed that the knowledge of the school going children regarding dengue fever and its prevention were less before the introduction of PTP. Hence it can be concluded that PTP was an effective strategy for providing information and to improve knowledge of school going children regarding dengue fever. and this PTP can be utilized in creating awareness programme in prevention and control of dengue fever.