Published Paper

Evaluation of Criteria Relating to Housing Prices from the Viewpoint of Real Estate Builders

Madhushree Ghosh, Dr Amaresha M

Page: 512-518
Published on: 2021 April


The study has been conducted to understand the criterias which the builders consider significant in framing the housing prices. This is also a pilot study which will help us to determine the factors influencing the housing prices at a large scale.Real estate sector is a non-conventional yet vast market which connects different ancillary fields. Speaking about the major earnings from this sector which is considered as “Prices” of the properties, it is the builders who decide the final quotes. From the past few years it has been observed that all over India there is a deterioration in the housing prices. However, since the sector is well connected to so many other industries which in turn helps in the upliftment of employment criteria, an important question arises here- How do the builders/developers quote the final prices of the housing properties?Design/Methodology: In the current paper,we have interviewed 150 builders from different parts of Bangalore. As a part of statistical tools, we have used Descriptive analysis which includes the calculation of frequencies and percentages of builders who agree or disagree to different price related criterias. Findings: The results derived from the study show that builders view factors like legal documents, project amenities, property location, open spaces and eco-friendly facilities are major criteria for deciding the real estate housing prices.