Published Paper

A Report on SARS CoV-2 Outbreak and Imposed Lockdown Impact on Public Health

Shekhar Chand

Page: 578-585
Published on: 2017 June


  Today the whole world is facing a very big problem, as novel coronavirus outbreak, the SARS CoV-2 infection, which spread to different countries including India by the starting months of 2020. By observing the severity of infection, the government of India imposed a condition of lockdown in whole country. Methods:The carried out survey based study in Muzaffarnagar,India,tried to find the health status and change in behaviour of people by taking their views in lockdown period.  Data of 539 people were taken from medicine sale centres and views of 432 (336 male, 96 female) people from their homeswere recorded during lockdown period from March 30,2020 to June 01,2020. After analysis of designed study tool data, based on house hold survey basis, the results were calculated in percent. Results:The present study revealed as 28.57% male people were found with anxiety, depression, and irritable behaviour. Approximately 65.47% male and 72.91% female individuals expressed fear from nCov outbreak. In rural areas, more than 90% people were expressed no fear of coronavirus infection and they were not wishing or aware to wear a face mask, regular use of soap to wash hands, use of sanitizer or other COVID-19 guidelines. Only less than 10% people were maintaining COVID-19 guidelines in rural areas.Conclusion: The imposed lockdown condition affected the routine life of people. People were found with different body disorders as anxiety, hypertension and digestive troubles. People in very less percentage were found maintaining COVID-19 guidelines in rural areas. 57.5% people were found in depression and anxiety due to lost of their jobs.