Published Paper

Exploring Indigenous Religious Beliefs and Practices: A study of the Kuzhami Chakhesang Naga People

Mr. Wepekhro Wetsah and Ms. Zunyiteu Mero

Page: 409-417
Published on: 2024 June


This paper delves into the rich tapestry of indigenous religious beliefs and practices among the Kuzhami Chakhesang Naga people of Northeast India, through an interdisciplinary approach combing ethnographic research, historical analysis, and religious studies. This study seeks to illuminate the intricate symbiosis between the Kuzhami Chakhesang Naga culture and their spiritual world view. The paper investigates the core tenets of their belief system, including animistic elements, ancestor veneration, and the significance of natural phenomena in their cosmology. Furthermore, it explores the rituals, ceremonies, and communal practices that constitute the religious fabric of the Kuzhami Chakhesang Naga society, highlighting their role in maintaining social cohesion and cultural identity. Knowledge of a particular culture is also obtained through religion. By shedding light on the spiritual landscape of this indigenous community, this paper contributes to a deeper understanding of the diversity and resilience of indigenous religious traditions in the contemporary world.