Published Paper

A Study on the Performance Appraisal and Its Effect on Turnover Intension with Special Reference to it Sector

Sophy Alexander

Page: 722-729
Published on: 2024 June



Performance appraisal  plays a vital and important role in any given organization in the modern day. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between performance appraisal and its effect on turnover intension among the employee in IT industry. Employees turnover intention may be contingent upon an organizations human resource practices. The effectiveness of a performance appraisal practice that may substantially contribute to the employees turnover intention. Performance Appraisal satisfaction and employee outcomes, helps in exploring the perception of employee towards Performance Appraisal and this perception will have a heavy impact and influence on the employee outcomes, The primary data is collected from 50 participants.  The questionnaire survey method is used to collect the primary data. Hypothesis testing is used to measure the applicability of performance appraisal. From the analysis, it is found that turnover intention reduces with good system of performance.