Published Paper

Non-Performing Assets of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India - Multiple Regression Analysis

Dr.Kasa Sudarsan1, Mr.Kathari Santosh2

Page: 655-665
Published on: 2024 June


Abstract : The aim of this paper is to examine the present scenario of NPAs of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India; and to determine the relationship between Gross Advances and Gross NPAs of Public Sector Banks, Private Sector Banks and Foreign Banks in India during 1996-97 to 2017-18. The present study depends on the secondary data and it is processed through SPSS 20.0 to get the results. Based on the results it is concluded that only the Foreign Banks are controlling the NPAs. So, if the Public and Private Sector Banks follow the rules and regulations of the RBI at the time of lending loans and collection of installments from the enterprises or corporate, they will become financially healthy. Furthermore the bank officials should not be involves in corruption or surrender for politicians and / or industrialists at the time of lending loans and / or collection of installments. If the banks follow the above suggestions it will strengthen the Indian economy.