Published Paper

A Study on the Significance of Bamboo with Respect to the Development of Assam

Kunuma Das

Page: 510-516
Published on: 2024 June



Bamboo, recognized as a green gold, finds its uses from poor man?s timber to rich men?s luxury. It is a fast growing, wide spread, renewable, versatile, low cost natural resource in the earth. Bamboo with its multiple utility has immense potential in the sustainable development of any country with raising the level of employment and income opportunities of that place. Around 1500 species of bamboo are found in the world, China with 500 species enjoys the highest advantage whereby 138 species belonging to 24 genera are reportedly found In India. Northeastern states cover around 81 species of bamboo and among all; Assam is bestowed with 45 species. Assam with 8,955 sq. km of bamboo bearing area carries huge potential in the economic upliftment and sustainable development of the natives through the cultivation, processing and marketing of bamboo. Bamboo is a raw material of great versatility and forms an integral part of the lifestyle and economy of Assam. It is mainly used in handicrafts, building and constructions, food items, furniture, pulp and paper in Assam. Besides having great potential still the region lags in tapping the benefits out of it. Lack of knowledge, Financial and technological constraint, poor management, unfavourable forest policies etc. put significant barriers to the development of bamboo as a precursor to the economic and livelihood security of the people in Assam. This paper mainly tries to explore the various business possibilities of Bamboo in Assam along with the challenges and initiatives taken to revive it.