Published Paper

Vegetable Cultivators in the Present Scenario: Issues and Challenges

Dr. C. Jeeva

Page: 225-237
Published on: 2024 June



In our country's domestic economy, agriculture plays an important role. It's our economy's blood of survival. India is a wide nation with significant agricultural diversity (Kumar S.Siva, 2013)[1]. The nature of the soil, the magnitude of rainfall, availability of water, etc. Differ considerably between different regions. Considerable areas face drought conditions in a particular year, some areas encounter the fury of floods, and some areas face the problem of waterlogging and salinity. Practically the entire cultivated area of the country suffers from the deficiency of nitrogen. There are substantial regional inequalities, and the presence of large diversities in the agricultural sector makes it is necessary to devise separate agricultural policies for different regions. It is not possible to generalise and formulate a single agricultural policy for the entire nation as a whole as such generalisation is bound to gloss over inter-regional differences and fail to deliver the goods.The nature of Indian agriculture reveals that Indian agriculture was backward and qualitatively traditional on the eve of the First five-year plan.The agrarian sector's output in our economy was very significant at the time of independence. The importance of agriculture has been disvalued and at the same time, the cultivators are forced to sell their lands for some other activities. (Misra and Puri, 2011).[1]There has been vast change taking place in the agriculture sector since the 60s. The policy of the Government has brought many changes in the pattern of cultivation. The lands were once used traditional cultivating methods in various agriculture crops like food grains and other food- related crops are slowly losing their importance, and the same is used for the development of high yielding seeds and fertilizers in this sector.The lands used for the farming of food grains have now been cultivated in the agriculture field itself, such as tea, coffee, and other cash crops in Nilgiris.The researcher has highlighted the problem relating to the cultivation of vegetables, climatic challenges, on non-availability transportation of agriculture commodities particularly the tomatoes, carrots, mushroom, cabbages, and potatoes of lands once used for cultivating vegetables are slowly reduced due to insufficiency of irrigation facility, awareness towards usage of modern farming methods, agricultural techniques, and widespread indebtedness.The researcher has taken up the issue to find out the reasons for the shift in methods of cultivation of Horticulture crop. She has taken up the Nilgiris district in Tamil Nadu as her study area. Tamil Nadu district of Nilgiris was once designated as a vegetable cultivator. The cultivators have shifted the cultivation methods more towards organic in the place of chemicals. The field used for vegetable growing has declined and the area used for tea farming has increased. The research has used both primary and secondary data for her study.