Published Paper

Phygital Banking A Fillip to the Financial Inclusion in India

Mr.Kathari Santosh1, Dr.T.Narayana Reddy2, Dr.S.E.V.Subrahmanyam3

Page: 123-129
Published on: 2024 June



Moving on from traditional banking to digital banking, it is now creating a space for phygital banking. The Indian banking system has certainly emerged with great emergence. With the goal of making the customer a king and banking the effort without the hassle, India sees the dawn of the day. To understand ground reality and empathizing the fundamental challenges of customers in the use of technology in the short term, in urban and rural India, banks rely on 'Phygital Banking', a combination of physical and digital banking. So the present study depends on the secondary data. This study gives a clear picture of the importance of the phygital bank and how it facilitates financial inclusion at the bottom of the pyramid. It found that digital was not widely accepted in rural areas due to lack of information and confidence. Phygital on the bench is probably the best way to emphasize confidence. Phygital banking can serve as a true facilitator. Phygital banks are building a connected ecosystem where they can reach potential customers among the 1.7 billion adults, who do not yet have a bank account. Banks can therefore provide these phygital services to the lower sections of the community; this will lead to the improvement of financial inclusion in India.