Published Paper

Challenges of Food Security in India and Importance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Dr. Smrutirekha Mohanty

Page: 18-26
Published on: 2024 June



 The rapid changes of Indian Economy had little impact on food security since independence. The wide spread famine, erratic monsoon and traditional farming pattern are unable to cope the growing demand for food. It is obvious that India's performance with respect to hunger is abysmally low not only in connection other  developing countries like China but even in corresponding to the rest of South Asia. This paper analyzes one possibly and key factor to address food security of India: accelerating the deployment and development of improved crop varieties through utilization of leading technologies in agriculture including, biotechnology, genetically modified crops  and plant tissue culture procedures. The vital question of agricultural biotechnology and its impact on food security is assessed carefully. This includes the interaction of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) laws, treaties, policies and the management in agricultural research and development both in public and private sector. The tests Chi Square test is applied to derive the conclusion. It has been concluded that India needs the genetically modified (GM) crops to meet the challenges food security with proper policies, programs and precautions.