Published Paper

Workers Organizational Factors and Absenteeism : A Sociological Study of Two organizations of Namrup

Dr. Parismita Chetia

Page: 04-11
Published on: 2024 June



This study basically enquires about the workers organizational factors in context of Human relations approach. Here the investigator tries to find out how the workers of two organizations exploited in context of welfare facilities like housing, sanitation, salary, promotion, working hours, nature of work, interaction with seniors and juniors, Job-satisfaction etc, which immensely effect directly on workers mindset. It is also a matter of important concern that workers job- satisfactory related factors make happy and it may motivate them to perform their work effectively. It is due to the fact that highly satisfied employees motivated to their work and low level of job-satisfaction is likely to bring higher level of absenteeism. As productivity of organizations mainly depend on workers efficiency. Inthis research we have taken Assam Petro-Chemicals Limited and Namrup Thermal Power Station of Namrup , Dibrugarh district , Assam which is not free from the problem of Absenteeism. This study is an attempt to find out job-satisfaction factors mostly affects the workers absence behavior.