Published Paper

A Sociological Study On Construction Workers (With Special Reference to Chitradurga District)


Page: 406-410
Published on: 2024 January


India is a largest growing economies in the world. There are several sectors helps to the expansion of economic growth. Among these sectors construction industry is the main field which leads to the spread of economic activities. Eighteenth century witnessed industrial revolution in England. The term industrialization refers the process which assists to the expansion of economic condition of any Informal or unorganized sector. In India nearly 273 million workers engaged in construction Industry in which 92 % of them are working in unorganized sectors. Undoubtedly the process of industrialization helps every nation for the economic development, simultaneously creates various social problems. Considering the fact, the present study aims to find out the socio- economic condition of construction workers with a sociological point of view in Chitradurga district.  Because the construction workers facing perilous condition and leading vulnerable life. Health hazards, economic instability, seasoned job are the main problems of these workers. Nonetheless, the present study tries to explain the  difficulty of construction workers in a sociological background.