Published Paper

A Study to Find Out the Relationship Between Urbanization and Rural Development in Geographical Perspective

Mr. Sankar Biswas

Page: 98-109
Published on: 2023 November


Urbanization means the growth of the number and size of the towns and the spreading of quality of life in towns. Naturally the growth and development is different in several parts of the world. On the other hand the urbanization is not only effect to towns. It has also an effect on rural region. Several attendant phenomenons belong to the urbanization (economic development, rural development, infrastructural development etc.). Primary target is to demonstrate the connection between urbanization and rural development. Urbanization is closely connected to regional development. There is no only one viable (universal) regional development trend. Sustainable development is one of the most important types of them. Lots of sign shows that certain parts of urbanization process could not be part of sustainable development. Success of sustainable development in urbanization process depends on the relationship between towns and their rural territory.