Published Paper

The Role of ECOWAS in the Fight against the Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons in West-Africa Sub-Region

Osimen, Goddy Uwa,* Anegbode, E. John,Ph.D**, Isaac Adi, Ph.D***

Page: 305-318
Published on: 2023 March


The conflict-ridden West African sub-region is a showcase of uncontrolled SALW proliferation. Vast quantities of arms have flooded the region despite their rampant misuse by state and non-state actors alike. The widespread availability of small arms to abusive actors poses a threat of unprecedented magnitude to West Africa, far greater than that of HIV/AIDS or Covid-19 in terms of its socio-economic and human consequences. Because of this proliferation, the fabric of the sub-region itself is rapidly changing, moving toward self-destruction.It is on this backdrop the paper examined the role of ECOWAS and its Conventionin the Fight against SALW proliferation in the West Africa sub region. The paper revealed that, there are over one hundred million illicit  SALW in West Africa, which has continue to fuel countless armed conflict in the sub region despite the un-relented efforts of ECOWAS to eradicate the menace in the sub region. The paper furtherrevealed that ECOWAS Convention which seeks to combat the excessive and destabilizing accumulation of SALW within the sub region is nothing but a mirage as a resultof weak national controls and lack of international cooperation on arms control that have  led to the proliferation of these weapons on illicit markets.It was discovered that, the greatest barrier to resolving debates over gun policy in the sub region is the lack of comprehensive data and political will among the states. Hence, it concludes that, reducing SALW and the illicit transfer of weapons to combatants, criminals, and terrorists will require a fresh strategic approach with more defined objectives and greater commonality among the member states within the sub region. While the illicit proliferation of SALW presents one of the gravest security threats in modern times in the sub region, norms and frameworks, through ECOWAS such as theProgramme of Action to regulate and prohibit the transfer, manufacture and possession of small arms and light weapons among unauthorized persons/organization will be welcome development but, such measures must be promoted through transparency, cooperation and exchange of information among member states.