Published Paper

The Study of Environmental Behaviour of Secondary School Children Towards their Immediate Envoronment

Dr. Rubina Shahnaz

Page: 528-532
Published on: 2023 January


Education refers to a process of awareness building and sensitization, which can be geared to the education, school children to college and university students or to different occupational groups. So, environmental education takes care of the relationship of man with his fellow human beings in addition to man-nature relationship. In order to accomplish the goal, environmental education should develop certain standards, which prompt people, without fear of the law, to protect the environment. In our country the environmental problems seems to be a great challenge before the humanity. The investigators felt that many children are aware of the problems but are reluctant in doing something for the cause of environment. Most of them are hesitant in taking actions towards environmental protection. In the present study the main objective of the investigation is find out the difference of Environmental behavior of secondary school children towards their immediate Environment in reference to gender and types of schools.